You can find Wind-Kinetic Company offering advanced technology wind turbines that can sustain even in harsh environmental conditions and are a reliable option to set up these micro grids suitable for rural electrification projects in remote locations. The company offers 100W wind turbine that is designed and engineered to deliver and reliable power that can be installed and shall sustain in any weather conditions. The 100W wind turbine also come with maintenance free with secure features like on and off controller, generates electricity even at extremely low winds like 2m/s and can also work with wind in any direction without the necessary to be oriented in the wind direction. The 3 phase output also allows mounting the 100W wind turbine away from battery banks to prevent any power loss that happens with DC turbines.

So for any of your remote electricity generation projects you can find the WindKinetic Company as a one stop solution for finding all products like wind turbines, hybrid power solutions, anemometers, remote monitoring and control systems and many more that are reliable optimizing your power requirements.